Doseermethoden voor zuigelingenmelkpoeder onderzocht

02 juli 2018

On 6 July 2018 Ruud Brinkhuis will hold a speech entitled ‘An exploration of alternative dosing methods for infant formula milk powder packaging’ as part of his master assignment. This graduation assignment at FrieslandCampina explores a new generation of packaging for infant formula that could tackle safety and convenience problems related with the preparation ritual of a bottle feed.
Two directions are explored within this assignment. The first is design a powder dispenser system that integrates storing, dosing and dispensing functions. The second is focused on the reduction of scooping actions the user needs to perform to improve the convenience and hygiene (Website Universiteit Twente).
Klik hier voor meer informatie over de afstudeerpresentatie van Ruud Brinkhuis.
Klik hier voor meer informatie over de NVC Leerstoel Packaging Design and Management aan de Universiteit Twente.
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