Duits kennisinstituut KIT nu ook in webwinkel-robotica

25 september 2017

At the Amazon Robotics Challenge the team of Karlsruhe Institute of technology (KIT) demonstrated how future warehousing may work. Their first participation in the competition was crowned by a 7th place in the overall ranking. This was announced in a press release published on 1 August 2017. Their system was designed such that all actions, i.e. detection, picking, suction, dropping, could be carried out with similar movement patterns from above. This facilitates movement planning and execution and makes the movements quicker and more reliable.
Robotic order picking for e-commerce is on show live for all visitors at the Logistica exhibition in Utrecht, the Netherlands from 28-30 November 2017.
Klik hier voor het persbericht.
Klik hier voor een video over de robot.
Klik hier voor meer informatie over de Amazon Robotics Challenge.
Klik hier voor informatie over geavanceerde robot order-picking voor thuisbezorging op de beurs Logistica, 28-30 november 2017 (Utrecht).

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