NovelQ – Insight in novel mild processing – Final report available

01 maart 2012

Improved quality, enhanced shelf life and preservation of fresh characteristics are important trends in food processing. Novel mild processing methods, like high pressure, pulsed electric field processing, cold plasma and advanced heating can improve these aspects of food products. Better understanding of the effects of these processes and successful applications are available now as final results of the European project NovelQ.
Five years ago, the European NovelQ project set out to develop and demonstrate novel processing schemes and design eco-efficient production chains based on novel processing and packaging concepts. Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research, together with 37 universities, research organisations and industries, worked in an integrated approach on fresh-healthy convenience foods processed with novel mild technologies. The partners focussed on all aspects of the food chain, including safety, quality, food-packaging interaction, equipment, implementation, and consumer perception of these technologies (News Item Wageningen UR, 28 February 2012).