Noorwegen: agentschap publiceert fact sheet over verboden stoffen in geïmporteerde producten

24 maart 2014

In February 2014 the Norwegian Environment Agency published a two-page fact sheet for importers on legal requirements for preventing hazardous substances in products. The document states that the importer is responsible for ensuring the products do not contain prohibited substances, that risk assessments have been completed when required, and that the CE mark appears on products as needed.
The fact sheet calls for increased scrutiny of imported products that may containing the following substances: lead, cadmium, mercury, nickel, azo dyes, volatile organic compounds, formaldehyde, PFOA, PFOS, and DMF (Recycling Laws International, 21 februari 2014).
Klik hier voor de factsheet (468 kB, in het Noors).

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