ISO standards on packaging and environment published

29 januari 2013

The ISO world standards on packaging and the environment have been published:

  • ISO 18601 gives general requirements for the use of ISO standards in the field of packaging and the environment
  • ISO 18602 specifies requirements to ensure that the weight or volume of the packaging material content is optimized consistent with the functions of packaging
  • ISO 18603 specifies the requirements for packaging to be classified as reusable
  • ISO 18604 specifies the requirements for packaging to be classified as recoverable in the form of material recycling
  • ISO 18605 specifies the requirements for packaging to be classified as recoverable in the form of energy recovery
  • ISO 18606 specifies procedures and requirements for packaging that is suitable for organic recycling

These ISO standards are largely based on the European standards on packaging and environment NEN-EN 13427–13432, which were prepared to prove conformity to the essential requirements of the directive on packaging and packaging waste 94/62/EC.