Amerikaans wetsvoorstel beoogt het blokkeren van de door de staten aangevraagde verplichte GGO voedseletikettering

08 mei 2014

Bill HR4432 was filed by congressman Pompeo, and aims at overriding bills in the states that require foods made with genetically engineered crops to be labelled as such. The bill prohibits any mandatory labelling of foods developed using bioengineering.
Supporters argue that the bill attempts to set a standard for labelling, and that it prevents states to enact conflicting requirements. Critics counter that GMO labelling would enhance health safety and that GMO foods impact human and animal health and cause environmental damage. If entering into force, the bill gives sole authority to the FDA to require mandatory labelling on foods using bioengineering (Reuters Nieuwsbericht, 9 april 2014).
Klik hier voor het nieuwsbericht.
Klik hier voor wetsvoorstel HR4432.


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