US: voorstel verbod schadelijke stoffen in verpakking fastfood

21 april 2017

Assembly member Phil Ting (D-San Francisco) announced legislation to make California the first state to ban chemicals linked to cancer and organ failure from fast-food wrappers and food take-out containers.
Inspired by research released in February finding 40 percent of fast food wrappers test positive for toxic chemical coatings, Ting’s Assembly Bill (AB) 958 would prohibit food providers from using food wrappers and to-go containers made with Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs). PFCs are used to make food packaging leak-proof and grease-proof. In 2015, hundreds of scientists urged the abandonment of PFCs and the development of safer alternatives (Persbericht Phil Ting, 6 april 2017).
Klik hier voor het volledige persbericht.
Klik hier voor wetsvoorstel AB 958.
Klik hier voor meer informatie over de online NVC E-Workshop Food Contact Materials Legislation.

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