Oostenrijk: Conceptregelgeving plastic draagtasjes naar EC

30 augustus 2017

Austria has sent a draft decree to the European Commission concerning reducing the consumption of plastic carrier bags. The standstill period ends on 19 October 2017. The aim is to reduce the number of plastic carrier bags placed on the market each year by 50%.
As of 1 January 2018, final distributors of plastic carrier bags shall levy a minimum charge of €0.05 for very lightweight bags; €0.30 for lightweight bags; and €0.50 for heavy-duty bags. Final distributors must offer their customers reusable shopping bags as an alternative. Exempt from this are very lightweight plastic carrier bags in which meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, herbs, bread, pastries or snacks are wrapped up.
Klik hier voor meer informatie over de conceptregelgeving.
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