NO: Verpakkingsrecyclingwetgeving aangepast-EPR toegevoegd

02 oktober 2017

The Norwegian government has published a number of amendments to the national packaging recycling law (Waste Regulation No. 930/2004). Among the changes: packaging producers that introduce more than 1,000 kilograms of packaging into the marketplace annually now must join an extended producer responsibility (EPR) organization.
NEA will approve all EPR organizations, which must be non-profit organizations operating nationally (across all 18 counties). Producers will also have to pay NEA a fee for overseeing the program. The requirement to join an EPR organization took effect on 1 September, the other amendments will take effect on 1 January 2018 (Recycling Laws International, 18 September 2017).
Klik hier voor de aanpassingen (in het Noors).
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