EU project gaat NIR verpakkingsalternatieven creëren

29 augustus 2017

A consortium coordinated by Plastic recycling company Luxus has secured European funding to support NIRSort, a commercialisation project which aims to replace carbon black and other pigments with a range of near-infrared (NIR) detectable alternatives for use by packaging, automotive and consumer durables manufacturers.
Each year 3.5 million tonnes of polymer are discarded in the UK alone, since black and some other coloured packaging cannot be picked up by recycling sorters. This is due to the products containing carbon black that reflects very little or no radiation rendering it ‘invisible’ to sorting machines in recycling depots (Nieuwsbericht Horizon2020 website, 21 juli 2017).
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Klik hier voor meer informatie over het NVC Project PUMA: het einde van verpakken als milieuprobleem. U bent van harte welkom op 4 april 2018 voor de volgende projectbijeenkomst.

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