EMA wil productinformatie EU-medicijnen verbeteren

24 november 2017

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has published an action plan to improve the product information (PI) for EU medicines. This action plan follows a report published by the European Commission in March 2017 which concluded that despite ongoing efforts to make the PI easy to read and useful, there is a need to improve how information on medicines is conveyed to patients and healthcare professionals. For patients the PI is contained in the package leaflet.
One of the key areas of this plan is to explore how electronic or digital means can be used to improve accessibility to medicines’ information by patients and healthcare professionals (EMA Nieuws, 15 november 2017).
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Klik hier voor het EMA actieplan met betrekking tot de aanbevelingen van de Europese Commissie over productinformatie (134 kB).
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