AU: verband tussen verpakking en gebruik van antibiotica

27 augustus 2015

Antibiotics are almost universally packaged by manufacturers in packs that heavily influence duration. Researchers in Australia speculated on the extent packing size matches the guideline recommendations for duration; any mismatch might contribute to unused antibiotics and, if taken by patients on some other occasion, may contribute to unprescribed use and, thereby, resistance.
They consistently found a mismatch between the number of doses and the duration mandated by standard packaging sizes and recommended by guidelines for the most commonly prescribed antibiotics and their indications in primary care (Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 29 juni 2015).
Klik hier voor het volledige artikel.
Klik hier voor informatie over de farmaceutische verpakkingsbeurs InnoPack 2015 (Madrid, 13-15 oktober).

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