Winnaar CPhI Global Pharma Packaging Award 2016

05 oktober 2016

On 4 October 2016 the winners of the CPhI Global Pharma Awards were presented. The awards provide recognition to pharmaceutical companies that turn inspiration into innovation. Winner in the category packaging was PYCLEAR™ PROTECTION by Pylote SA, delivering patient protection and cost-efficiency. Winner in the category drug delivery devices was the 3M™ Intelligent Control Inhaler, nicely addressing the new future for addressing patient adherence and competence in asthma and COPD patients.
The CPhI also included a Pre-Connect Conference on 3 October 2016, hosting a special session focused on packaging. Presentations of this conference will be included in the upcoming edition of this MOU.
Klik hier voor de winnaar in de categorie packaging.
Klik hier voor de winnaar in de categorie drug delivery devices.
Klik hier voor meer informatie over de CPhI awards.
Klik hier om uw gegevens in te vullen om het programma van de Pre-Connect Conference te downloaden.
Klik hier voor meer informatie over de online NVC E-Course Pharmaceutical Packaging (de volgende groep start 2 november).

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