Wereldmarkt coatings voor verpakkingen van papier en karton

12 januari 2016

According to a new report by Smithers Pira, sustained growth in demand for paper-based packaging materials is stimulating demand for functional and barrier coatings. Total demand is expected to increase from 2.4 million tonnes of material in 2014 to over 3.2 million tonnes by 2020, with the market value growing at 5% annually from nearly $5.4 billion to over $7.1 billion over the period.
Over 30% of all paper-based packaging carries some form of functional or barrier coating, ranging from 100% of liquid packaging board to just 7% of corrugated materials. The industry is turning green, with the need for recyclability being driven at all levels (Nieuwsbericht Smithers Pira, 2 december 2015).
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