Vooruitzichten voor Retail Ready Packaging (RRP) tot 2021

08 november 2016

According to a new report by Smithers Pira, global retail-ready demand reached a total of 30.5 million tonnes of material in 2015 and was worth $62.8 billion. The market is expected to grow on average by around 4% annually across 2016–2021, reaching 38.7 million tonnes of paper and plastic materials and a value of $82.0 billion in 2021, at constant 2016 prices.
Shorter print runs are seen as a key factor driving the market, as more retailers and brand owners are looking to promotional marketing. These promotions result in unpredictable demand for packaging in general – including RRPs – creating a premium on short runs and quick response to orders (Nieuwsbericht Smithers Pira, 19 oktober 2016).
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