Voortbestaan Australische verpakkingsconvenant bevestigd

29 juni 2016

The Australian Packaging Covenant (APC) will be enhanced, with a relaunched agreement commencing January 2017. In a letter to the APC, Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt confirmed ongoing Government support for the Covenant. He views the Covenant as a “central tool in addressing the issue of the environmental impacts of consumer packaging”, and is currently working with ministers on a joint statement about the scope and goals of the agreement. In collaboration with industry and jurisdictions, the Covenant will draw on these recommendations to finalise a collective five-year strategic plan by the end of 2016 and bring the Covenant into line with future needs (Nieuwsbericht APC, 18 mei 2016).
Klik hier voor het nieuwsbericht.
Klik hier voor meer informatie over de NVC Inspiratiemeeting Effectiviteit milieubeleid verpakkingen en verpakkingsafval (7 september 2016).

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