US: Papier uit gemengd afvalverwerking van slechte kwaliteit

29 juni 2016

The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) has released a study revealing paper mill buyers perceive scrap paper generated by Mixed Waste Processing facilities that recycle (Dirty MRFs) is generally deemed unusable. The report indicates that these perceptions are based on the fibers’ close encounters with organic and putrescible waste that causes the material to become susceptible to a host of undesirable quality issues.
Of the respondents that purchased this paper, 70% found the quality “to be worse than other recovered paper” and 90% have had to reject or downgrade the paper at a higher rate than recovered paper from regular MRFs (Nieuwsbericht ISRI, 10 juni 2016).
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Klik hier voor meer informatie over de NVC Inspiratiemeeting Effectiviteit milieubeleid verpakkingen en verpakkingsafval (7 september 2016).

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