UK: EPR gebruiken om kosten opruiming zwerfafval te betalen

21 oktober 2016

The Environmental Services Association (ESA), has launched its new policy paper examining how Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) could be used to fund litter clean up. Littering of fast food, food and drinks packaging is costing Local Authorities around £100 million each year to clear up. The ESA is the trade association representing the UK’s resource and waste management industry.
ESA’s policy paper recommends the introduction of producer responsibility levies on the manufacturers of some of the most frequently littered items. This money would be used by Local Authorities to cover litter clean-up costs or to help fund anti-litter campaigns (Persbericht ESA, 11 oktober 2016).
Klik hier voor het persbericht (123 kB).
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Klik hier voor meer informatie over de NVC E-Workshop Sustainable Innovation in Packaging.
Klik hier voor meer informatie over de kick-off van het NVC Project PUMA: het einde van verpakken als milieuprobleem (29 maart 2017).
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