UK Begroting 2016: lagere targets recyclen verpakkingen

23 maart 2016

On March 16, the Government of the United Kingdom published its 2016 budget, which includes some waste and recycling financial elements. According to the budget, the recycling target plastic packaging for 2016, previously set at 52%, is being reduced to 49%. Then it will increase 2% per year through 2020. The 2016 and 2017 glass packaging targets remain at 77%, then increase 1% annually to 2020.
In regard to landfill taxes, the 2016 budget states, “The standard and lower rates of Landfill Tax will increase in line with RPI, rounded to the nearest 5 pence, from 1 April 2017 and again from 1 April 2018” (Recycling Laws International, 18 maart 2016).
Klik hier voor de begroting 2016.
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