Stora Enso Viewpoint: De toekomst van zuivelverpakkingen

20 juni 2016

Today, consumers are demanding more variety – products for health and wellness as well as to meet lifestyles on the go. In response, ever newer premium and specialty products are battling for shelf space. At the same time, the dairy market is maturing, with slim margins, putting more pressure on brand owners and retailers for cost efficient strategies. In this competitive environment, packaging can play a significant role.
The future of dairy packaging is in focus in the latest issue of Stora Enso’s Viewpoint. The issue covers consumer preferences and buyer trends in dairy markets and how these are impacting business for brand owners and retailers (Nieuwsbericht Stora Enso, 13 juni 2016).
Klik hier voor het nieuwsbericht.
Klik hier voor het rapport (373 kB).
Klik hier voor meer informatie over de NVC Cursus Food Packaging.

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