Spanje: Nieuwe wetgeving verpakkingsmaterialen voedsel

12 januari 2016

Spain's Official State Bulletin published the Royal Decree 1025/2015 of 13 November (amending a previous one) on the conditions to be met by recycled raw materials based on polymeric materials for their use in packaging and other articles in contact with food.
The new regulation authorises the marketing and use of raw materials based on polyethylene terephthalate (PET) or other recycled plastics obtained in Spain for their use in plastic materials and other articles intended to come into contact with food, as long as they meet certain conditions, like having a favourable opinion on the recycling process issued by the European Food Safety Authority (GlobalFoodMate, 4 december 2015).
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Klik hier voor Koninklijk Besluit 1025/2015 (in het Spaans).
Klik hier voor meer informatie over de NVC Workshop Wetgeving Voedselcontactmaterialen.
Klik hier voor meer informatie over de online NVC E-Workshop Food Contact Materials Legislation.

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