Rhode Island: Verbod BPA in sommige voedselverpakkingen

29 februari 2016

H.7642, which was introduced in Rhode Island on February 12 by a group of five state representatives, would ban the manufacture, sale or distribution of reusable food and beverage containers and food packaging for children, containing bisphenol A (BPA), effective January 1, 2017.
The bill also requires that all food packaging that contains BPA bear the warning message: “This package contains bisphenol A, a chemical that may harm fetal development, which can leach into the food.” Anyone found to be in violation of the law could be fined up to $5,000. The bill was referred to Committee on Health, Education & Welfare (State Recycling Laws Update, 15 February 2016).
Klik hier om Rhode Island H.7642 in te zien (17 kB).

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