Project: Packaging based on shrimp shell

10 mei 2013

Scientists at Nofima are participating in a major EU-financed project in which “active” packaging based on raw materials from shrimp shell improves and conserves food products – and after use the packaging biodegrades.
Nofima’s job is to ensure food contact safety in the project and quantify the effect on bacteria. Chitosan used as an integrated part of the packaging can have an antibacterial effect on the food products. The EU has strict regulations in this area, and their role is to see that the active packaging have a positive and not negative impact on the food products. The chitosan-based fibres that are used in the packaging are based on nanotechnology, so they are talking about minute particles that by no means have to break down so they come in the food products (News Article Nofima Food Research Institute, 2 May 2013).