Negen nieuwe stoffen toegevoegd aan de Authorisatielijst

05 september 2014

On 19 August, the Commission added nine new substances on the Authorisation List (Annex XIV) of the REACH Regulation. These substances of very high concern had been prioritised by ECHA in January 2013 and are used, for instance, as solvents, anti-corrosion or curing agents.
The authorisation procedure aims to assure that the risks from SVHCs are properly controlled and that these substances are progressively replaced by suitable alternatives while ensuring the good functioning of the EU internal market. The latest application dates range from February 2016 to July 2017. The Authorisation List currently contains a total of 31 substances (ECHA e-News, 27 augustus 2014).
Klik hier voor het ECHA e-News van 27 augustus 2014.
Klik hier voor de officiële bekendmaking: Verordening (EU) nr. 895/2014 van de Commissie van 14 augustus 2014.
Klik hier voor de Authorisatielijst.

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