ISO normontwerp gepubliceerd voor verpakkingssystemen voor vulklare gesteriliseerde injectiespuiten

16 januari 2014

Recently draft standard ISO/DIS 11040-7 was published, specifying the packaging system that is used to deliver sterilized subassembled syringes ready for filling.
The subassembled syringes are placed into so-called nests. The nests are placed into a plastic tub. The syringes are protected by means of an insert liner and the tub itself is sealed by a sealing lid. The sealed tub is then wrapped into a sealable bag and, thus, ready for sterilization. In this form, the sterilized subassembled syringes ready for filling are delivered to the pharmaceutical companies in a sterile condition, where they are processed on suitable machines (World Packaging Standardisation Newsletter, januari 2014).

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