Frankrijk: Publicatie van de resultaten van de eerste jaarlijkse verklaring van nanomaterialen geproduceerd, geïmporteerd en gedistribueerd in Frankrijk

05 juni 2014

The French Ministry for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy has made available the results of the first annual declaration for nanomaterial substances produced, distributed or imported in France in 2012.
This reporting requirement was introduced in France by Decree No. 2012-232 dated 17 February 2012. Its aim is to better understand the types of nanomaterials placed on the market, and gather information on their properties, types of use and toxicological characteristics. This is the first time such a study has been conducted in Europe and one of its purposes is to ensure a better traceability of nanomaterials (International Hazardous Substances Newsletter, 28 april 2014).
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