Europees B2C e-commerce rapport 2016 gepubliceerd

24 juni 2016

The e-commerce turnover grew by double digits to €455.3 billion, with a growth rate of 13.3% in 2015, according to the new European BC2 E-commerce Report. With around 296 million e-shoppers in Europe, each spending an average of €1,540 online in 2015, the report provides a promising outlook for the industry. The impact on the European economy has been increasing in the past years and its growth is expected to continue in the years to come resulting in e-commerce sales of €510bn in 2016, €598bn in 2017 and €660bn in 2018. The United Kingdom, France and Germany are clearly the front runners as they account for more than 60% of all online turnover (Nieuwsbericht Ecommerce Europe, 31 mei 2016).
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