EU: Robotisering van logistiek kan 1,5 miljoen banen kosten

17 juni 2016

According to a new report, the robotization of logistics can lead to the disappearance of up to 1.5 million jobs over the next 10 years, unless preparations are made for the transition. The most heavily affected sectors will be commerce and the manufacturing industry and their logistics service providers.
The return on investment of logistics automation solutions will soon drop below 3 years thanks to flexible and collaborative robotic solutions. These new solutions are causing companies to rethink the way work is organized. Their operational scope includes the moving of pallets, stacking/unstacking, palletizing and, before long, loading (Persbericht Roland Berger, 3 juni 2016).
Klik hier voor het persbericht.
Klik hier voor het rapport (1,42 MB).

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