EU roadmap stuurt aan op lagere SML voor BPA

11 januari 2016

The European Commission published a roadmap outlining its future approach for regulating bisphenol A (BPA) in food contact materials. In its roadmap the commission states that: Based on new data and methodologies – a new [specific migration limit (SML)] is in turn warranted on the basis of the new TDI (tolerable daily intake).
5 policy options for BPA are being considered, including the redefinition of the SML, by the commission’s Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG Sante). These range in severity from taking no new steps, to a total ban in all EU member states. DG Sante has a deadline of deciding which option is most appropriate in Q2 2016 (Food Contact World, 3 december 2015).
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Klik hier om de EU roadmap te downloaden (128 kB).
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