EU: Polyolefin Circular Economy Platform (PCEP) gelanceerd

21 november 2016

EuPC, PRE and PlasticsEurope have launched a new Polyolefin Circular Economy Platform (PCEP) through which the industry calls on all actors to join them in driving towards this goal.
The plastics industry recognises that a business as usual approach will not enable the proposed challenging target for 55% plastic packaging “preparing for re-use and recycling” target by 2025, as outlined in the European Commission’s Circular Economy Package. In the drive to create a more circular economy, fresh approaches and new thinking are required. Hence, this newly formed platform will be working for a 5-10 year horizon based on effective, science-based solutions (Persbericht EuPC, 25 oktober 2016).
Klik hier voor het persbericht.
Klik hier voor meer informatie over het nieuwe NVC Project PUMA: het einde van verpakken als milieuprobleem (kick-off op 29 maart 2017).
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