EU: Duits UBA roept op tot EU-breed register nanomaterialen

04 juli 2016

The German Environment Agency (Umwelt Bundesamt or UBA) published a 36-page report on current knowledge and regulations regarding nanomaterials. The report concludes with eight policy recommendations. Much of the UBA report concerns risk assessments and testing protocols and how they relate to REACH. The report also notes that much remains unknown about which nanomaterials are already in the marketplace. For that reason and remaining uncertainty about possible health and environmental risks, UBA, which manages the national German eco-label (“Blue Angel”), has instituted a policy to not award the ecolabel to any products containing nanomaterials (Recycling Laws International, 10 juni 2016).
Klik hier om het UBA-rapport over nanomaterialen te downloaden (788 kB).

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