EU consultatie: evaluatie van de implementatie van de EU Ecolabel regelgeving

21 mei 2014

The European Commission is carrying out a consultation exercise to inform an evaluation of the implementation of the EU Ecolabel Regulation. The EU Ecolabel Scheme is a voluntary environmental labelling scheme designed to promote products with reduced environmental impact and, through this, contribute to a more efficient use of resources and a higher level of environmental protection. The Scheme is part of the wider policy on SCP linking it with other instruments such as Green Public Procurement and the Ecodesign Directive. The 7th Environmental Action Programme calls for the EU Ecolabel Regulation to be reviewed. The consultation closes on 18 July 2014 (Website Europese Commissie).
Klik hier voor meer informatie en om naar de consultatie te gaan.
Klik hier voor meer informatie over de Ecolabel regelgeving.

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