Wereldmarkt voor farmaceutische verpakkingen

10 augustus 2015

According to a new report by Freedonia, world demand for pharmaceutical packaging products will increase 6.5% annually to over $101 billion in 2019. Because of advanced and diverse drug-producing industries, almost 60% of global demand will exist in the developed economies of Canada, Japan, the US, and Western Europe.
India and China will form the fastest growing markets due to rapidly expanding pharmaceutical manufacturing capabilities and the adoption of more stringent regulations aimed at improving the quality and integrity of domestically produced medicines. Over the long term, the US will continue to form the largest national pharmaceutical packaging product market.
Klik hier voor meer informatie over het rapport.
Klik hier voor meer informatie over de NVC E-Course Pharmaceutical Packaging.
Klik hier voor informatie over de farmaceutische verpakkingsbeurs InnoPack 2015 (Madrid, 13-15 oktober).

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