VN publiceert ‘Global Waste Management Outlook’

21 september 2015

Inadequate waste management has become a major problem, with 7-10 billion tonnes of urban waste produced each year and 3 billion people worldwide lacking access to controlled waste disposal facilities. The volumes of waste are likely to even double in lower-income African and Asian cities by 2030, warns the Global Waste Management Outlook - launched by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA).
The report calls for a major shift away from the linear "take-make-use-waste" economy and towards the circular "reduce-reuse-recycle" approach to the lifecycle of materials (Persbericht UNEP, 17 september 2015).
Klik hier voor het persbericht.
Klik hier voor een samenvatting van het rapport (2,27 MB).
Klik hier voor het volledige rapport (16,91 MB).
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