US: verbod op EPS containers voorgesteld in staat Maine

24 maart 2015

On February 23, HP 307 was introduced, a bill that would ban the sale or distribution of polystyrene foam disposable food service containers in the state of Maine, effective January 1, 2016. It would also ban the sale or distribution of other types of disposable food service containers that are neither recyclable nor compostable.
The bill defines disposable food service container as “a container, bowl, plate, tray, carton, cup, lid or other item designed for one-time use for prepared foods.” Last year, Portland, Maine’s largest municipality, enacted an ordinance that bans polystyrene foam food packaging as of April 15 of this year (State Recycling Laws Update, 2 maart 2015).
Klik hier voor HP 307 (114 kB).

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