US: Richtsnoeren veiligheid meermalige containers voor food

26 maart 2015

The Reusable Packaging Association (RPA) has issued comprehensive and science-based protocols to help ensure the continued safe use of reusable plastic containers (RPCs) for fresh and perishable products in the supply chain. The guidelines encompass the washing, handling, storing, packing, displaying, and collecting of RPCs. They also include rigorous and defined Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points (HACCP), and hourly, daily, monthly, and quarterly microbiological testing.
Although the RPA is not an enforcing body, the association believes the guidelines will be widely adopted because they were developed with broad industry support and input (Nieuwsbericht RPA, 10 maart 2015).
Klik hier voor het nieuwsbericht.
Klik hier voor de RPA Best Practices Guide (721 kB).

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