US rapport: 51% van de verpakkingen gerecycled in 2013

25 juni 2015

The US EPA has published a new report on the municipal solid waste (MSW) generation, recovery, and disposal. In 2013, Americans generated about 254 million tons of trash and recycled and composted over 87 million tons of this material, equivalent to a 34.3% recycling rate.
Containers and packaging make up the largest portion of the 254 million tons of MSW generated: 29.8%, or over 75 million tons. 51% of the generated packaging materials was recycled. Paper products, steel and aluminum were the most recycled materials by percentage in this category. Over 75% of paper and paperboard packaging, over 72% of steel packaging and almost 39% aluminium packaging was recycled.
Klik hier voor het rapport.
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