US: Connecticut overweegt heffing op eenmalige draagtassen

23 april 2015

The Connecticut Environment Committee has filed a bill (SB 349) to place a 10-cent fee on all single-use carryout bags, plastic or paper, that stores distribute. The fee would take effect on October 1 2015. On October 1 2017, the fee would be replaced by a ban and stores would be required to provide bags that are 100% recyclable, compostable, or made from recycled paper. The new fee for these bags would be 25 cents.
From October 1 2019, only reusable bags would be permitted. Recyclable bags, compostable bags and recycled paper bags would be banned. Stores may sell the reusable bags to customers at a price they choose or distribute these bags for free (State Recycling Laws Update, 24 maart 2015).
Klik hier voor SB 349.

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