Top-100 logistieke dienstverleners 2015

30 maart 2015

A recent study by trade journal Logistiek Krant illustrates the key role and global connectedness of The Netherlands in the globalised economy and the aspect of sophisticated logistics and packaging. Success is based on a combination of cutting-edge infrastructure, world-class service providers, and a coastal location at the heart of Europe. Key factors are the Port of Rotterdam, Europe's largest port and fourth-largest worldwide, and Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, a major European air-freight and passenger hub.
The study provides the Top-100 of logistics service providers based in The Netherlands in the year 2015. The Top-5 includes three ‘German’, one ‘American’ and one ‘French’ company.
Klik hier voor het 2015 Top-100 logistieke dienstverleners overzicht (110 kB).
Klik hier voor een infografiek over de logistieke sector in (23,8 MB).

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