Scandinavisch richtsnoer: FCM - metals and alloys

30 juni 2015

Metals and alloys are widely applied as food contact materials. Therefore, they are a potential source of food contamination. Migration of substances from food contact materials to food must not occur in amounts that endanger human health. Relevant for food contact materials made from metals and alloys are the migration (release) of metals, both the main components and foreseen impurities.
This Nordic guideline gives a short overview of toxicology, analytical feasibility, legislation and guideline values for release of metals from food contact materials. Therefore, the guideline will be a useful tool for industry and official food inspectors (Norden, 15 juni 2015).
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Klik hier voor meer informatie over de NVC Workshop Wetgeving Voedselcontactmaterialen.
Klik hier voor meer informatie over de online NVC E-Workshop Food Contact Materials Legislation.

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