PT: Heffing op kunststof draagtassen in werking getreden

30 maart 2015

In February 2015 Portugal’s “green tax” on plastic bags took effect. The law created some confusion about its requirements, so the Ministry of Environment has published a FAQ document on how the law is being implemented.
The Portuguese tax per plastic bag is 0.10€ (0.08€ plus 23% VAT). It is applied to all plastic bags (polyethylene, biodegradable, oxo-degradable, compostable, etc.) less than 50 microns thick and having handles. Plastic bag producers and importers were required to begin collecting the tax from retailers and distributors on January 31. Merchants were required to begin collecting the tax from consumers on February 15 (Recycling Laws International, 19 maart 2015).
Klik hier voor het FAQ document (552 kB, in het Portugees).
Klik hier voor de regelgeving (211 kB, in het Portugees).
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