NL hoogleraren: Voorgestelde EU recycling doelen onwerkbaar

20 februari 2015

Contrary to what the environmental lobby argues, the EU’s proposed recycling target is unattainable and socially sub-optimal, write Raymond Gradus and Elbert Dijkgraaf, professors of economics at VU University Amsterdam and Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Netherlands.
They have published an opinion that it is a wise decision to bin EU target for recycling. A cost-benefit analysis shows that this is not socially optimal, and an evaluation study for the Netherlands shows that it is nearly impossible to reach the EU-goal of 70% with available policies. Only 3 out of 28 countries (i.e. Germany, Belgium and Austria) are above the Dutch recycling rate (Nieuwsbericht, 10 februari 2015).
Klik hier voor het nieuwsbericht.
Klik hier voor de opinie.
Klik hier voor het evaluatieonderzoek (336 kB).

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