Marks & Spencer over duurzaam denken in e-commerce

04 maart 2015

‘From A to E - profiting from sustainable thinking in a web-retail world’ is a presentation given February 26th, 2015 at the packaging Innovations Exhibition in London by Roger Wright, Head of Technical Packaging - GM at UK retailer Marks & Spencer. Mr Wright is a member of the NVC international working group on Web Retail Packaging.
His lecture addresses the web-retail, home-delivery packaging issues in fashion, homewares, toys & gifting, beauty, flowers & hampers and wines.
The balancing act is depicted of combining sustainability and profitability, while keeping the customer satisfied and supporting the many new ways to shop in a responsible manner.
Klik hier om de presentatie te downloaden (679 kB).
Klik hier voor meer informatie over de NVC international working group Web Retail Packaging.
Klik hier voor meer informatie over het NVC Webinar The future of packaging for e-commerce, deze is gratis voor NVC-leden.
Op 10 en 11 maart vindt de Packaging Design & Innovation Summit plaats in Amsterdam. NVC leden krijgen 15% korting. Verpakken voor e-commerce is een van de onderwerpen.

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