Kennistekort in verpakken verwacht

30 maart 2015

“The sad truth is that the US economy in general—and packagers, processors, machine builders, and automation suppliers in particular—will all be negatively affected by the lack of skills in the US manufacturing workforce.” This conclusion is drawn by US packaging representatives based on the Deloitte report ‘The skills gap in US manufacturing 2015 and beyond’.
The study predicts a two million worker shortfall over the next ten years as workers are retiring and young knowledge workers are scarce. More than 75% of manufacturing executives state that the skills gap will negatively affect their abilities to implement new technologies, increase productivity, or meet customer demand.
Klik hier om het rapport te downloaden (1,99 MB).
Klik hier voor het commentaar in het Amerikaanse vaktijdschrift Packaging World.
Op 23 april 2015 vindt het 1e Europese Congres De Toekomst van Bedrijfsopleiden in Verpakken plaats. Dit congres wordt door het NVC georganiseerd.
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