ISO richtlijn voor outsourcing gepubliceerd

15 januari 2015

In November 2014 NEN-ISO 37500 ‘guidance on outsourcing’ was published. It covers the main phases, processes and governance aspects of outsourcing and is intended to provide a good foundation to enable organizations to enter into, and continue to sustain, successful outsourcing arrangements throughout the contractual period.
The standard gives guidance on good outsourcing governance for the mutual benefit of client and provider; flexibility of outsourcing arrangements, accommodating changing business requirements; identifying risks involved with outsourcing and enabling mutually beneficial collaborative relationships (World Packaging Standardisation Newsletter, januari 2015).
Klik hier voor meer informatie over NEN-ISO 37500.
Klik hier voor meer informatie over de World Packaging Standardisation Newsletter (WPSN), ook over het nemen van een gratis abonnement.
Klik hier voor de European Co-Packers Association (ECPA).

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