Invloed verpakking op stabiliteit van recept-medicijnen

04 maart 2015

The Prescription Packaging In-Use Stability Study Research Report by the US Healthcare Compliance Packaging Council HCPC addresses the quality of medicine (pills) during the prescription period. Three commonly used chronic condition prescriptions were tested in five different packaging formats. Quality parameters were moisture gain, tablet hardness and tablet disintegration time. The data indicate that current prescription packaging does not protect the physical characteristics of these products during normal use.
Pharmaceutical packaging innovation is subject of the NVC innovation project Phi-Pi-Iota. The next plenary meeting of the NVC international working group is June 26th, 2015.
Klik hier om het US HCPC rapport te downloaden (6,96 MB).
Klik hier voor meer informatie over de plenaire bijeenkomst van de NVC Phi-Pi-Iota internationale werkgroep.

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