iF Design Award 2015 winnaars: 102 verpakkingen

26 maart 2015

Almost two thousand guests celebrated the winners of the iF Design Award 2015 at BMW Welt in Munich (Germany) on February 27th, 2015. The total competition included 4.783 entries by 2.102 participants from 53 countries and a 53 member-strong international jury of designers.
As a result, 1.629 entries in the disciplines of product design, communication design, packaging design, interior architecture and professional concepts were recognized with the iF label and 75 entries were honoured with the iF gold award. One of the five categories judged was packaging and here over hundred (102) winners were announced. The 2016-edition of the competition will open in April 2015.
Klik hier voor het overzicht van de 102 winnende verpakkingen (1,49 MB).
Klik hier voor informatie over de 2016-editie van de iF Design Award.

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