EU: Assessment verhoogde kunststofrecycling doelstellingen

25 juni 2015

Plastic Recyclers Europe (PRE) has released a study: Increased EU Plastics Recycling Targets Environmental, Economic and Social Assessment, which argues that greenhouse gas savings of plastic recycling could result in 11.5% less emissions produced by the EU plastics industry by 2025. The study was performed by Deloitte.
Additionally, the study reveals that in order to achieve the recycling target of 60% for plastic packaging by 2025 as many as 250 new sorting facilities as well as 300 new recycling plants will be needed in Europe if the target is to be implemented. These investments will create more than 120,000 jobs across the EU (Nieuwsbericht Plastic Recyclers Europe, 22 June 2015).
Klik hier voor het nieuwsbericht.
Klik hier voor de studie (1,98 MB).
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