EFSA: uitkomst openbare raadpleging over gezondheidsclaims

23 februari 2015

EFSA carried out a public consultation to receive input from all interested parties on a discussion paper for the revision of the guidance document on the scientific requirements for the substantiation of health claims related to gut and immune function, prepared by the EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA).
The report summarises the outcome of the public consultation, including a brief summary of the comments received and of how the comments were addressed. The NDA Panel prepared a draft guidance document taking into account the questions/comments received. The draft guidance is now open for public consultation before finalisation (EFSA Website, 6 februari 2015).
Klik hier voor het oorspronkelijke nieuwsbericht.
Klik hier om het rapport over de uitkomst van de openbare raadpleging te downloaden (1,16 MB).
Klik hier voor meer informatie over de openbare raadpleging over het concept richtsnoer.

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