De impact van onderwijs op afstand op leven lang leren

04 maart 2015

The Impact of Distance Education on Adult Learning (IDEAL) project has just published a study report, focusing on the social profile of adults enrolled in distance education. The IDEAL project, funded by the EU Lifelong Learning Programme, seeks to examine how higher education institutions can contribute to adult learning by way of distance education. The project has been running since October 2013 and aims to optimize the knowledge of distance learning services throughout Europe and to provide valuable information on the profiles of potential (business) students. NVC has been offering long distance, globally accessible learning programmes in packaging since 2012, covering a range of topics.
Klik hier om het rapport de downloaden (1,0 MB).
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Op 23 april 2015 vindt het 1e Europese Congres De Toekomst van Bedrijfsopleiden in Verpakken plaats. Dit congres wordt door het NVC georganiseerd.

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